The Investing in Women’s Futures (IWF) program is an amazing opportunity for women of all status (PR, VISA, Citizen, etc.).
It is a comprehensive program that aims to prevent violence against women and promote women’s economic independence by helping women develop skills and abilities that will reduce their vulnerability to poverty and abuse.
The Investing in Women’s Futures (IWF) program offers an employment readiness program for clients.
Services Include:
Job Readiness Training – Pre-Employment and Employment Services
- Employment Preparation Services Ex. Resume, Cover Letter, Interview Skills, etc.
- Occupational Skills Training
- Employment Rights
- Provide one-on-one employment counselling to assess needs, strengths and employment goals and develop individualized employment action plans
- Provide group workshops and information sessions on resume writing, Employment Standards in Ontario, interview skills, hidden job market
- Offer two networking events relating to training, education, employment or self/employment resources
- Job referrals to acquire jobs and on-job generally accepted Canadian standards necessary to retain jobs as successful employees
- All women of any status
- Minimum language ability: CLB 3+ (Canadian Language Benchmark)
- No computer knowledge required for basic training
This program is funded by:

To access W5 Women Skills Training Online Portal, please click the link below.
For more information email Women Services at: or call 519-915-5588 ext. 401.